
openui5-chartjs is a custom OpenUI5 library that wraps Chart.js. SAPUI5 already offer a chart library called VizFrame, but it does not come for free and it’s a little bit outdated if compared to rest of others web framework/library.

Why I choosed ChartJS?


Here you can find a complete demo of all chart types.


Supported Chart Types

ChartJS support 8 chart types:

NB: at the current library state we only support the first 6 chart types. The full coverage will come in the next few releases.

UI5 Custom Controls


This component is the base that you should use if you want to create a new Chart type. All other charts extends and inherit from this control.


Name Type Default Description
datasets Object null Data to be displayed by the Chart. Data structure will change based on the current Chart type.
labels Object null Labels of the Chart
responsive Boolean true Resizes the chart canvas when its container does.
responsiveAnimationDuration Number 0 Duration in milliseconds it takes to animate to new size after a resize event.
maintainAspectRatio Boolean true Maintain the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing
events Array[String] ["mousemove", "mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"] Events that the chart should listen to for tooltips and hovering
layoutPadding Number or Object 0 The padding to add inside the chart. If this value is a number, it is applied to all sides of the chart (left, top, right, bottom). If this value is an object, the left property defines the left padding. Similarly the right, top, and bottom properties can also be specified.
titleDisplay Boolean false Display the title block
titlePosition String ‘top’ Position of the title. Possible values are ‘top’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’ and ‘right’.
titleFullWidth Boolean true Marks that this box should take the full width of the canvas (pushing down other boxes)
titleFontSize Number 12 Font size inherited from global configuration
titleFontFamily String “‘Helvetica Neue’, ‘Helvetica’, ‘Arial’, sans-serif” Font family inherited from global configuration
titleFontColor Color “#666” Font color inherited from global configuration
titleFontStyle String ‘bold’ Font styling of the title.
titlePadding Number 10 Number of pixels to add above and below the title text
titleText String ’’ Title text
legendDisplay Boolean true Is the legend displayed
legendPosition String ‘top’ Position of the legend. Possible values are ‘top’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’ and ‘right’.
legendFullWidth Boolean true Marks that this box should take the full width of the canvas (pushing down other boxes)
legendReverse Boolean false Legend will show datasets in reverse order
legendLabelBoxWidth Number 40 Width of coloured box
legendLabelFontSize Number 12 Font size inherited from global configuration
legendLabelFontStyle String “normal” Font style inherited from global configuration
legendLabelFontColor Color “#666” Font color inherited from global configuration
legendLabelFontFamily String “‘Helvetica Neue’, ‘Helvetica’, ‘Arial’, sans-serif” Font family inherited from global configuration
legendLabelPadding Number 10 Padding between rows of colored boxes
legendLabelUsePointStyle Boolean false Label style will match corresponding point style (size is based on fontSize, boxWidth is not used in this case).
tooltipEnabled Boolean true Are tooltips enabled
tooltipMode String ‘nearest’ Sets which elements appear in the tooltip.
tooltipIntersect Boolean true if true, the tooltip mode applies only when the mouse position intersects with an element. If false, the mode will be applied at all times.
tooltipPosition String ‘average’ The mode for positioning the tooltip. ‘average’ mode will place the tooltip at the average position of the items displayed in the tooltip. ‘nearest’ will place the tooltip at the position of the element closest to the event position. New modes can be defined by adding functions to the Chart.Tooltip.positioners map.
tooltipaBckgroundColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.8)’ Background color of the tooltip
tooltipTitleFontFamily String “‘Helvetica Neue’, ‘Helvetica’, ‘Arial’, sans-serif” Font family for tooltip title inherited from global font family
tooltipTitleFontSize Number 12 Font size for tooltip title inherited from global font size
tooltipTitleFontStyle String “bold”  
tooltipTitleFontColor Color “#fff” Font color for tooltip title
tooltipTitleSpacing Number 2 Spacing to add to top and bottom of each title line.
tooltipTitleMarginBottom Number 6 Margin to add on bottom of title section
tooltipBodyFontFamily String “‘Helvetica Neue’, ‘Helvetica’, ‘Arial’, sans-serif” Font family for tooltip items inherited from global font family
tooltipBodyFontSize Number 12 Font size for tooltip items inherited from global font size
tooltipBodyFontStyle String “normal”  
tooltipBodyFontColor Color “#fff” Font color for tooltip items.
tooltipBodySpacing Number 2 Spacing to add to top and bottom of each tooltip item
tooltipFooterFontFamily String “‘Helvetica Neue’, ‘Helvetica’, ‘Arial’, sans-serif” Font family for tooltip footer inherited from global font family.
tooltipFooterFontSize Number 12 Font size for tooltip footer inherited from global font size.
tooltipFooterFontStyle String “bold” Font style for tooltip footer.
tooltipFooterFontColor Color “#fff” Font color for tooltip footer.
tooltipFooterSpacing Number 2 Spacing to add to top and bottom of each footer line.
tooltipFooterMarginTop Number 6 Margin to add before drawing the footer
tooltipXPadding Number 6 Padding to add on left and right of tooltip
tooltipYPadding Number 6 Padding to add on top and bottom of tooltip
tooltipCaretSize Number 5 Size, in px, of the tooltip arrow
tooltipCornerRadius Number 6 Radius of tooltip corner curves
tooltipMultiKeyBackground Color “#fff” Color to draw behind the colored boxes when multiple items are in the tooltip
tooltipDisplayColors Boolean true if true, color boxes are shown in the tooltip
hoverMode String ‘nearest’ Sets which elements appear in the tooltip.
hoverIntersect Boolean true if true, the hover mode only applies when the mouse position intersects an item on the chart
hoverAnimationDuration Number 400 Duration in milliseconds it takes to animate hover style changes
animationDuration Number 1000 The number of milliseconds an animation takes.
animationEasing String “easeOutQuart” Easing function to use. Available options are: 'linear', 'easeInQuad', 'easeOutQuad', 'easeInOutQuad', 'easeInCubic', 'easeOutCubic', 'easeInOutCubic', 'easeInQuart', 'easeOutQuart', 'easeInOutQuart', 'easeInQuint', 'easeOutQuint', 'easeInOutQuint', 'easeInSine', 'easeOutSine', 'easeInOutSine', 'easeInExpo', 'easeOutExpo', 'easeInOutExpo', 'easeInCirc', 'easeOutCirc', 'easeInOutCirc', 'easeInElastic', 'easeOutElastic', 'easeInOutElastic', 'easeInBack', 'easeOutBack', 'easeInOutBack', 'easeInBounce', 'easeOutBounce', 'easeInOutBounce'. See Robert Penner’s easing equations.
arcBackgroundColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default fill color for arcs. Inherited from the global default
arcBorderColor Color ‘#fff’ Default stroke color for arcs
arcBorderWidth Number 2 Default stroke width for arcs
lineTension Number 0.4 Default bezier curve tension. Set to 0 for no bezier curves.
lineBackgroundColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default line fill color
lineBorderWidth Number 3 Default line stroke width
lineBorderColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default line stroke color
lineBorderCapStyle String ‘butt’ Default line cap style. See MDN
lineBorderDash Array [] Default line dash. See MDN
lineBorderDashOffset Number 0.0 Default line dash offset. See MDN
lineBorderJoinStyle String ‘miter’ Default line join style. See MDN
lineCapBezierPoints Boolean true If true, bezier control points are kept inside the chart. If false, no restriction is enforced.
lineFill Boolean or String true If true, the fill is assumed to be to zero. String values are ‘zero’, ‘top’, and ‘bottom’ to fill to different locations. If false, no fill is added
lineStepped Boolean false If true, the line is shown as a stepped line and ‘tension’ will be ignored
pointRadius Number 3 Default point radius
pointStyle String ‘circle’ Default point style
pointBackgroundColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default point fill color
pointBorderWidth Number 1 Default point stroke width
pointBorderColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default point stroke color
pointHitRadius Number 1 Extra radius added to point radius for hit detection
pointHoverRadius Number 4 Default point radius when hovered
pointHoverBorderWidth Number 1 Default stroke width when hovered
rectangleBackgroundColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default bar fill color
rectangleBorderWidth Number 0 Default bar stroke width
rectangleBorderColor Color ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ Default bar stroke color
rectangleBorderSkipped String ‘bottom’ Default skipped (excluded) border for rectangle. Can be one of bottom, left, top, right


Name Description
onClick Called if the event is of type ‘mouseup’ or ‘click’. Called in the context of the chart and passed the event and an array of active elements
onHover Called when any of the events fire. Called in the context of the chart and passed the event and an array of active elements (bars, points, etc)
onResize Called when a resize occurs. Gets passed two arguments: the chart instance and the new size.
onLegendItemClick A callback that is called when a ‘click’ event is registered on top of a label item
onLegendItemHover A callback that is called when a ‘mousemove’ event is registered on top of a label item
onAnimationProgress Callback called at the end of an animation. Passed the same arguments as onProgress
onAnimationComplete Callback called on each step of an animation. Passed a single argument, an object, containing the chart instance and an object with details of the animation.


A line chart is a way of plotting data points on a line. Often, it is used to show trend data, and the comparison of two data sets.

XML Example

Line Chart Example

	titleText="Line Chart Example"

Dataset Structure

The following options can be included in a line chart dataset to configure options for that specific dataset.

All point* properties can be specified as an array. If these are set to an array value, the first value applies to the first point, the second value to the second point, and so on.

Property Type Usage
data   The data to plot in a line
label String The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips
xAxisID String The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on
yAxisID String The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on
fill Boolean If true, fill the area under the line
cubicInterpolationMode String Algorithm used to interpolate a smooth curve from the discrete data points. Options are ‘default’ and ‘monotone’. The ‘default’ algorithm uses a custom weighted cubic interpolation, which produces pleasant curves for all types of datasets. The ‘monotone’ algorithm is more suited to y = f(x) datasets : it preserves monotonicity (or piecewise monotonicity) of the dataset being interpolated, and ensures local extremums (if any) stay at input data points. If left untouched (undefined), the global options.elements.line.cubicInterpolationMode property is used.
lineTension Number Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straightlines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used. Note This was renamed from ‘tension’ but the old name still works.
backgroundColor Color The fill color under the line.
borderWidth Number The width of the line in pixels
borderColor Color The color of the line.
borderCapStyle String Cap style of the line. See MDN
borderDash Array<Number> Length and spacing of dashes. See MDN
borderDashOffset Number Offset for line dashes. See MDN
borderJoinStyle String Line joint style. See MDN
pointBorderColor Color or Array<Color> The border color for points.
pointBackgroundColor Color or Array<Color> The fill color for points
pointBorderWidth Number or Array<Number> The width of the point border in pixels
pointRadius Number or Array<Number> The radius of the point shape. If set to 0, nothing is rendered.
pointHoverRadius Number or Array<Number> The radius of the point when hovered
pointHitRadius Number or Array<Number> The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events
pointHoverBackgroundColor Color or Array<Color> Point background color when hovered
pointHoverBorderColor Color or Array<Color> Point border color when hovered
pointHoverBorderWidth Number or Array<Number> Border width of point when hovered
pointStyle String, Array<String>, Image, Array<Image> The style of point. Options are ‘circle’, ‘triangle’, ‘rect’, ‘rectRounded’, ‘rectRot’, ‘cross’, ‘crossRot’, ‘star’, ‘line’, and ‘dash’. If the option is an image, that image is drawn on the canvas using drawImage.
showLine Boolean If false, the line is not drawn for this dataset
spanGaps Boolean If true, lines will be drawn between points with no or null data
steppedLine Boolean If true, the line is shown as a stepped line and ‘lineTension’ will be ignored

An example data object using these attributes is shown below.

var data = {
	labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
	datasets: [
			label: "My First dataset",
			fill: false,
			lineTension: 0.1,
			backgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)",
			borderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
			borderCapStyle: 'butt',
			borderDash: [],
			borderDashOffset: 0.0,
			borderJoinStyle: 'miter',
			pointBorderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
			pointBackgroundColor: "#fff",
			pointBorderWidth: 1,
			pointHoverRadius: 5,
			pointHoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
			pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
			pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
			pointRadius: 1,
			pointHitRadius: 10,
			data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40],
			spanGaps: false,


Name Type Default Description
showLines Boolean true If false, the lines between points are not drawn
spanGaps Boolean false If true, NaN data does not break the line




A bar chart provides a way of showing data values represented as vertical bars. It is sometimes used to show trend data, and the comparison of multiple data sets side by side.

XML Example

Bar Chart Example

	titleText="Bar Chart Example"

Dataset Structure

The following options can be included in a bar chart dataset to configure options for that specific dataset.

Some properties can be specified as an array. If these are set to an array value, the first value applies to the first bar, the second value to the second bar, and so on.

Property Type Usage
data Array<Number> The data to plot as bars
label String The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips
xAxisID String The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on
yAxisID String The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on
backgroundColor Color or Array<Color> The fill color of the bars.
borderColor Color or Array<Color> Bar border color
borderWidth Number or Array<Number> Border width of bar in pixels
borderSkipped String or Array<String> Which edge to skip drawing the border for. Options are ‘bottom’, ‘left’, ‘top’, and ‘right’
hoverBackgroundColor Color or Array<Color> Bar background color when hovered
hoverBorderColor Color or Array<Color> Bar border color when hovered
hoverBorderWidth Number or Array<Number> Border width of bar when hovered
stack String The ID of the group to which this dataset belongs to (when stacked, each group will be a separate stack)

An example data object using these attributes is shown below.

var data = {
	labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
	datasets: [
			label: "My First dataset",
			backgroundColor: [
				'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
				'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
				'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
				'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
				'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
				'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
            borderColor: [
				'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
				'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
				'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
				'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
				'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
			borderWidth: 1,
			data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40],


Name Type Default Description
isHorizontal Boolean false If the Bar Chart is horizontal
hoverMode String ‘label’ Sets which elements appear in the tooltip.




A radar chart is a way of showing multiple data points and the variation between them. They are often useful for comparing the points of two or more different data sets.

XML Example

Radar Chart Example

	titleText="Radar Chart Example"

Dataset Structure

The following options can be included in a radar chart dataset to configure options for that specific dataset.

All point* properties can be specified as an array. If these are set to an array value, the first value applies to the first point, the second value to the second point, and so on.

Property Type Usage
data Array<Number> The data to plot in a line
label String The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips
fill Boolean If true, fill the area under the line
lineTension Number Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straightlines. Note This was renamed from ‘tension’ but the old name still works.
backgroundColor Color The fill color under the line. See Colors
borderWidth Number The width of the line in pixels
borderColor Color The color of the line.
borderCapStyle String Cap style of the line. See MDN
borderDash Array<Number> Length and spacing of dashes. See MDN
borderDashOffset Number Offset for line dashes. See MDN
borderJoinStyle String Line joint style. See MDN
pointBorderColor Color or Array<Color> The border color for points.
pointBackgroundColor Color or Array<Color> The fill color for points
pointBorderWidth Number or Array<Number> The width of the point border in pixels
pointRadius Number or Array<Number> The radius of the point shape. If set to 0, nothing is rendered.
pointHoverRadius Number or Array<Number> The radius of the point when hovered
pointHitRadius Number or Array<Number> The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events
pointHoverBackgroundColor Color or Array<Color> Point background color when hovered
pointHoverBorderColor Color or Array<Color> Point border color when hovered
pointHoverBorderWidth Number or Array<Number> Border width of point when hovered
pointStyle String or Array<String> The style of point. Options include ‘circle’, ‘triangle’, ‘rect’, ‘rectRounded’, ‘rectRot’, ‘cross’, ‘crossRot’, ‘star’, ‘line’, and ‘dash’

An example data object using these attributes is shown below.

var data = {
	labels: ["Eating", "Drinking", "Sleeping", "Designing", "Coding", "Cycling", "Running"],
	datasets: [
			label: "My First dataset",
			backgroundColor: "rgba(179,181,198,0.2)",
			borderColor: "rgba(179,181,198,1)",
			pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(179,181,198,1)",
			pointBorderColor: "#fff",
			pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#fff",
			pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(179,181,198,1)",
			data: [65, 59, 90, 81, 56, 55, 40]
			label: "My Second dataset",
			backgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,0.2)",
			borderColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)",
			pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)",
			pointBorderColor: "#fff",
			pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#fff",
			pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)",
			data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 96, 27, 100]


Name Type Default Description
startAngle Number 0 The number of degrees to rotate the chart clockwise.




A radar chart is a way of showing multiple data points and the variation between them. They are often useful for comparing the points of two or more different data sets.

XML Example

Pie Chart Example

	titleText="Pie Chart Example"

Dataset Structure

Property Type Usage
data Array<Number> The data to plot as arcs
label String The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips
backgroundColor Array<Color> The fill color of the arcs. See Colors
borderColor Array<Color> Arc border color
borderWidth Array<Number> Border width of arcs in pixels
hoverBackgroundColor Array<Color> Arc background color when hovered
hoverBorderColor Array<Color> Arc border color when hovered
hoverBorderWidth Array<Number> Border width of arc when hovered

An example data object using these attributes is shown below.

var data = {
    labels: [
    datasets: [
            data: [300, 50, 100],
            backgroundColor: [
            hoverBackgroundColor: [


Name Type Default Description
isDoughnut Boolean false If the Pie Chart doughnut style
cutoutPercentage Number 50 - for doughnut, 0 - for pie The percentage of the chart that is cut out of the middle.
rotation Number -0.5 * Math.PI Starting angle to draw arcs from
circumference Number 2 * Math.PI Sweep to allow arcs to cover
animationAnimateRotate Boolean true If true, will animate the rotation of the chart.
animationAnimateScale Boolean false If true, will animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre.




Polar area charts are similar to pie charts, but each segment has the same angle - the radius of the segment differs depending on the value. This type of chart is often useful when we want to show a comparison data similar to a pie chart, but also show a scale of values for context.

XML Example

Polar Chart Example

	titleText="Polar Area Chart Example"

Dataset Structure

The following options can be included in a polar area chart dataset to configure options for that specific dataset. Some properties are specified as arrays. The first value applies to the first bar, the second value to the second bar, and so on.

Property Type Usage
data Array<Number> The data to plot as arcs
label String The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips
backgroundColor Array<Color> The fill color of the arcs.
borderColor Array<Color> Arc border color
borderWidth Array<Number> Border width of arcs in pixels
hoverBackgroundColor Array<Color> Arc background color when hovered
hoverBorderColor Array<Color> Arc border color when hovered
hoverBorderWidth Array<Number> Border width of arc when hovered

An example data object using these attributes is shown below.

var data = {
	datasets: [{
		data: [
		backgroundColor: [
		label: 'My dataset' // for legend
	labels: [


Name Type Default Description
startAngle Number -0.5 * Math.PI Sets the starting angle for the first item in a dataset
animationAnimateRotate Boolean true If true, will animate the rotation of the chart.
animationAnimateScale Boolean true If true, will animate scaling the chart.




A bubble chart is used to display three dimensions of data at the same time. The location of the bubble is determined by the first two dimensions and the corresponding horizontal and vertical axes. The third dimension is represented by the size of the individual bubbles.

XML Example

Bubble Chart Example

	titleText="Bubble Chart Example"

Dataset Structure

Property Type Usage
data Array<BubbleDataObject> The data to plot as bubbles. See Data format
label String The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips
backgroundColor Color Array<Color> The fill color of the bubbles. See Colors
borderColor Color or Array<Color> The stroke color of the bubbles.
borderWidth Number or Array<Number> The stroke width of bubble in pixels.
hoverBackgroundColor Color or Array<Color> The fill color of the bubbles when hovered.
hoverBorderColor Color or Array<Color> The stroke color of the bubbles when hovered.
hoverBorderWidth Number or Array<Number> The stroke width of the bubbles when hovered.
hoverRadius Number or Array<Number> Additional radius to add to data radius on hover.

An example data object using these attributes is shown below. This example creates a single dataset with 2 different bubbles.

var data = {
    datasets: [
            label: 'First Dataset',
            data: [
                    x: 20,
                    y: 30,
                    r: 15
                    x: 40,
                    y: 10,
                    r: 10
            hoverBackgroundColor: "#FF6384",


Name Type Default Description
startAngle Number -0.5 * Math.PI Sets the starting angle for the first item in a dataset
animationAnimateRotate Boolean true If true, will animate the rotation of the chart.
animationAnimateScale Boolean true If true, will animate scaling the chart.

